Department of General Services / Construction
The project proposes to widen Prosperity Church Rd approximately 0.3 mi between Old Ridge Rd and Benfield Rd to provide curb and gutter, sidewalk, storm drainage, bicycle lanes, and on-street parking, as well as a roundabout at Prosperity Church Rd and Prosperity Ridge Rd.
Posting Number 06 2024-Q2(Apr-Jun)-DGS-9862
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-06-17
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91319, 91345, 91347, 91396, 91430, 96239, 96861, 96882, 96884, 98814
The project proposes to widen Prosperity Church Rd approximately 0.3 mi between Old Ridge Rd and Benfield Rd to provide curb and gutter, sidewalk, storm drainage, bicycle lanes, and on-street parking, as well as a roundabout at Prosperity Church Rd and Prosperity Ridge Rd.
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