Charlotte Storm Water Services / Architectural / Engineering Services
Posting Number 01 2022-Q1(Jan-Mar)-CSWS-7401
Anticipated Posting Date 2022-01-10
Commodity Code(s): 91842, 92500, 92517, 92535, 92536
Solicitation Link:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (Storm Water Services) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering companies (Company) to provide Various Storm Water Services Projects (Project). There are four Scopes of Services identified in this RFQ. Companies may seek consideration for any and all Scopes of Services. The four Scopes of Services are as follows:
Scope of Service A: Stream Restoration Projects
The City anticipates selecting one firm to provide these services on a task order basis. Initial work will include design phase services for a project selected by the City. The Barringer Drive Stream and Wetland Restoration includes stream restoration (for inclusion in the City’s mitigation bank) and wetland restoration/enhancement on tributaries to Irwin Creek. Scoping is anticipated to start in 2022. The specific projects are as follows:
Barringer Drive Stream Restoration
Scope of Service B: Water Quality Improvement Projects
The City anticipates selecting one firm to provide these services on a task order basis. Initial work will include design phase services for a project selected by the City. The Sweden Road Water Quality Improvement Project is a City Facility retrofit project located at the CDOT – Street Maintenance Division Southwest District & Heavy Equipment Shop on 4600 Sweden Road. The project intends to improve stormwater runoff from the City Light Vehicle Maintenance shop by constructing a sand filter and a regenerative stormwater conveyance. Scoping is anticipated to start in early 2022. The specific projects are as follows:
Sweden Road WQ Improvement Project
Scope of Service C: Unspecified Stream Restoration Projects
The City anticipates selecting one (1) or more firms to provide these services on a task order basis. Initial work will include design for potential repairs identified through monitoring reports. In addition, two (2) or more stream restoration projects which may begin in 2022.
Scope of Service D: Unspecified Pond and Dam Rehabilitation/Water Quality Improvement Projects
The City anticipates selecting one (1) or more firms to provide these services on a task order basis for two (2) or more pond and dam rehabilitation/water quality enhancement projects. This category may include project initiation planning for multiple projects that are not specified at this time. Additional tasks may include design services for repair of existing projects. These projects are anticipated to start scoping in 2022.
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