Charlotte Water / Architectural / Engineering Services
Posting Number 07 2023-Q3(Jul-Sep)-CW-12050
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-07-10
Commodity Code(s): 92500, Engin
Solicitation Link:
Charlotte Water (CLTWater) is soliciting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering firms (Firm) to provide Construction Administration & Observations Services for the Ashe Plantation WWTP Phase II. CLTWater intends to contract with one or more firms to provide professional engineering
services for the project.
The selected Firm(s) shall provide at a minimum, construction administration and observation services.
• Construction administration (CA) services
• Construction observation, resident project representative (RPR) services
• Project closeout services
Phase II of the upgrades include the following:
• Installation of a new 100,000 GPD package WWTP with simplex flow EQ basin, parallel extended
aeration basins, parallel clarifiers, air lift pumps for RAS/WAS, simplex aerobic digestor
• New standby generator with option to use natural gas fuel
• Pre-fabricated office/laboratory/restroom
• Site piping modifications
• Electrical upgrades and modifications
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