charlotte-water-bluet  Charlotte Water / Technology Goods & Services

Pressure Monitoring Hydrants


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Posting Number 12 2024-Q4(Oct-Dec)-CW-17291

Anticipated Posting Date 2024-12-23

Commodity Code(s): 22045, 34060, 81558, 93633

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Charlotte Water manages an extensive water distribution network throughout Mecklenburg County NC. Monitoring the pressure within this system remotely is crucial for ensuring its optimal performance. Charlotte Water is seeking to upgrade to smart hydrants. The new smart hydrants must maintain Charlotte Water’s current monitoring and reporting capabilities, including remote pressure reporting, historical data access, pressure zone grouping, and a web-based interface. Additionally, they must function even when the hydrant is off and provide reliable pressure readings throughout the year, including during freezing temperatures.



Last Updated: 08/14/24

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Elizabeth Murray

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