Charlotte Department of Transportation / Commodities & Goods
Posting Number 05 2021-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CDT-4880
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-05-21
Commodity Code(s): 55000, 55036, 55072, 63066, 63166, 66589
Solicitation Link:
The Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) maintains 690,000 linear feet of pavement markings throughout the City annually, including center lines, lane lines, edge lines, crosswalks and stop bars, and approximately 850 pavement arrows. A solicitation will be issued for thermoplastic pavement marking materials, including paint, granular materials, and pre-formed pavement markers. All material must meet the 2018 NC Department of Transportation Section 1087 specifications. The contract established will be for three years with two (2) one-year renewal options.
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