Aviation / Technology Goods & Services
Contract(s) will be used to provide maintenance and support for systems purchased under these Contracts. Contracts may include additional software licenses, services, and hardware. These task order Contracts will provide Aviation the necessary flexibility to ensure the needs of the rapidly changing environment are met. It is critical to ensure the Airport’s technology systems are stable and safe to allow tenants to connect to their own technology systems.
Posting Number 03 2024-Q1(Jan-Mar)-AVI-14734
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-03-25
Commodity Code(s): 92000, 92003, 92004, 92005, 92007, 92013
Contract(s) will be used to provide maintenance and support for systems purchased under these Contracts. Contracts may include additional software licenses, services, and hardware. These task order Contracts will provide Aviation the necessary flexibility to ensure the needs of the rapidly changing environment are met. It is critical to ensure the Airport’s technology systems are stable and safe to allow tenants to connect to their own technology systems.
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