Landscaping services for the airport to include but not limited to edge-line clearing, small scale tree trimming, full clearing of wooded areas, heavy equipment for brush mow work, road shoulder clearing with tree removal, slope clearing, soil and seeding work,
Landscape Services are broken into zones. Zones have been advertised.
Last Updated: 01/31/23
Insurance Requirements+
Automobile-For automobile operations liability
General Liability-For bodily injury or property damage, arising from products, premises, completed work, personal & advertising injury
Workers Compensation-For lost wages and medical expenses of injured workers
Subcontracting Opportunities+
Subcontracting Opportunities
Landscaping consulting and Design Services
Estimated Total Value+
$500,000 - 999,999
SBE-Small Business Enterprise
MBE-Minority Business Enterprise
WBE-Women Owned Business Enterprise
Contract Term+
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