Aviation / Architectural / Engineering Services
Posting Number 07 2023-Q3(Jul-Sep)-AVI-8854
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-07-24
Commodity Code(s): 90600, 90638, 90657, 90735
Solicitation Link: https://www.charlottenc.gov/Growth-and-Development/Doing-Business/Contract-Opportunities/On-Call-Architectural-Services
Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) is seeking statements of qualifications from professional architecture, architectural engineering, and design-focused firms to provide task order architecture and design concept services. Services are expected to cover a range of smaller studies, conceptual designs, investigations, coordination processes, and technical support of a limited nature. Many of the anticipated tasks will be themed toward facilitating decision-making and implementation of projects in Charlotte’s Destination CLT Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that are or will be designed and constructed under other contracts. The Task Order assignments are intended as extension-of-staff efforts and expertise for the effective delivery of Destination CLT projects and other projects or issues to come before the Development Department. This Architecture Task Order contract is focused largely but not exclusively on “vertical work” and is complemented by two other Task Order support contracts for Engineering & Construction, and Planning.
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