Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
The Newell Stream Restoration Project is located near WT Harris Boulevard (NC 24) and Old Concord Road along a network of tributaries to Toby Creek. Project improvements include restoring approximately 2,500 LF of degraded stream channel, floodplain, and riparian buffer.
Posting Number 06 2024-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CSWS-12167
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-06-25
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91200, 91244, 91345, 92912, 92915
The Newell Stream Restoration Project is located near WT Harris Boulevard (NC 24) and Old Concord Road along a network of tributaries to Toby Creek. Project improvements include restoring approximately 2,500 LF of degraded stream channel, floodplain, and riparian buffer.
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