Department of General Services / Construction
Improvements on Monroe Road between North Wendover Road and Eaton Road to create a more pedestrian-oriented corridor and install a pedestrian hybrid beacon in front of Time Out Youth Center. Improvements will primarily include shared-use paths, drainage, and midblock pedestrian crossings.
Posting Number 12 2024-Q4(Oct-Dec)-DGS-8925
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-12-16
Commodity Code(s): 15538, 74505, 80148, 91200, 91219, 91223, 91319, 91345, 91347, 91396, 91430, 96185, 96239, 96279, 96861, 96882, 96884, 98814, 98815
Improvements on Monroe Road between North Wendover Road and Eaton Road to create a more pedestrian-oriented corridor and install a pedestrian hybrid beacon in front of Time Out Youth Center. Improvements will primarily include shared-use paths, drainage, and midblock pedestrian crossings.
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