Department of General Services / Construction
The purpose of this project is to provide safer pedestrian conditions along Monroe Road from Eaton Road to McCullen Way. Currently, there are two active city projects in the vicinity of this project. This MUP will fill a key gap between these two projects, providing a safer and more connected route for pedestrians and cyclists.
Posting Number 08 2024-Q3(Jul-Sep)-DGS-9854
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-08-01
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91319, 91345, 91347, 91396, 91430, 96239, 96861, 96882, 96884, 98814
The purpose of this project is to provide safer pedestrian conditions along Monroe Road from Eaton Road to McCullen Way. Currently, there are two active city projects in the vicinity of this project. This MUP will fill a key gap between these two projects, providing a safer and more connected route for pedestrians and cyclists.
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