City Wide / Commodities & Goods
Posting Number 12 2023-Q4(Oct-Dec)-CTW-9723
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-12-09
Commodity Code(s): 17503, 20139, 20142, 34034, 34548, 89572
Protective gloves are necessary to provide appropriate safeguards for City employees. Departments require a wide variety of materials designed for many types of workplace hazards. Employee safety and productivity are enhanced by additional application requirements for performance, fit and comfort. Medical gloves are a critical supply item for the Charlotte Fire Department and are carried on all fire trucks to be used when treating individuals with medical emergencies. It is critical from a risk management standpoint that firefighters wear an approved glove that provides a high degree of protection.
The scope of this Request for Quote (RFQ) is to establish a contract for the purchase and delivery of protective and medical gloves within fourteen (14) calendar days from the placement of order.
This solicitation will be distributed to the City’s Small Business Enterprise (SBE) confirmed vendor list for Protective and Medical Gloves.
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