Department of General Services / Architectural / Engineering Services
Posting Number 11 2020-Q4(Oct-Dec)-DGS-2526
Anticipated Posting Date 2020-11-05
Commodity Code(s): 92567
The City of Charlotte (City) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms/teams (Firms) to provide mechanical engineering design services (Services) for various unspecified projects on an as-needed basis Award to multiple firms is anticipated. The total estimated expenditure across all contracts is $500,000 per year.
The City is responsible for the operations and maintenance of 200+ municipal facilities, structures, and assets, with a range of uses including office, warehouse, storage, parking, vehicle maintenance, communication towers, and public safety. As-needed mechanical engineering design services for maintenance or minor renovation projects span the entire facility portfolio.
Typical mechanical engineering design requests may include, but are not limited to, the design/installation of new or replacement HVAC equipment associated with air or water cooled chillers; split, unitary, and rooftop systems; heat pumps and geothermal systems. Plumbing expertise, including distribution of hot water and chilled water, is essential for some systems across the facility portfolio. Some design needs may include smaller renovation projects such as sink and water fountain additions.
Additionally, investigation and scoping studies related to mechanical systems may be requested, including the need to address comfort and/or operations. Energy efficient design is directed by the City Sustainable Facilities Policy; it is common to request alternate solutions with an emphasis on energy efficiency. Some projects may require like for like equipment change-outs but others may require load calculations be run on facilities. Energy studies may be performed at some facilities. The selected Firm may be required to provide emergency services on short notice and within a tight time schedule.
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