Charlotte Water / Construction
Posting Number 03 2021-Q1(Jan-Mar)-CW-4500
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-03-02
Commodity Code(s): 91200, 91359
Solicitation Link:
While nutrient harvesting has not yet been implemented by CLTWater at any of its wastewater treatment facilities, CLTWater strives to promote beneficial reuse at the McAlpine Creek WWMF and across its other wastewater treatment facilities. To maximize economies of scale, a nutrient harvesting facility (Facility) at the McAlpine Creek WWMF would create the highest current and future value proposition for CLTWater and the treatment plant network. Currently, primary sludge (PS) and waste activated sludge (WAS) from two of the five wastewater treatment facilities are processed at McAlpine Creek WWMF.
In the future, PS and WAS from four of six wastewater treatment facilities will be processed at the McAlpine Creek WWMF. Dewatering centrate is high strength waste typically recycled within the treatment plant for processing. Implementation of a Facility would allow CLTWater to create a product that can be beneficially reused (i.e., product to be bagged or bulk shipped and sold) and gain some treatment capacity at the McAlpine Creek WWMF. Designing, constructing, and operating the Facility at the McAlpine Creek WWMF is one component of implementing the overall CLTWater nutrient management and biosolids diversification strategy.
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