charlotte-storm-water-services-bluet  Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction

Magnolia/Winthrop Storm Drainage Improvement Project


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Add to Calendar 2025-07-28 2025-07-28 Magnolia/Winthrop Storm Drainage Improvement Project

The Magnolia/Winthrop Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) consists of storm water infrastructure improvements along Ideal Way, Winthrop Avenue and Springdale Avenue. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments), traffic control and any other associated work required by the Engineer.


Posting Number 07 2025-Q3(Jul-Sep)-CSWS-17297

Anticipated Posting Date 2025-07-28

Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91200, 91244, 91345, 92912, 92915

The Magnolia/Winthrop Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) consists of storm water infrastructure improvements along Ideal Way, Winthrop Avenue and Springdale Avenue. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments), traffic control and any other associated work required by the Engineer.



Last Updated: 08/21/24

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For Questions, Contact:

Jaime Thompson

City Contact