Charlotte Water / General Services
Posting Number 12 2023-Q4(Oct-Dec)-CW-13367
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-12-19
Commodity Code(s): 31530, 92967
Solicitation Link:
Charlotte Water is soliciting proposals from qualified firms (licensed General Contractor in North Carolina, must have a Certified Coating Inspector on staff: AMPP, Association for Materials Protection and Performance (formerly SSPC and NACE) Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) – Certified Concrete Coating Inspector and/or National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) — Level III Certified Coating Inspector to provide industrial protective coatings maintenance services and concrete repairs for Charlotte Water’s Water treatment and Wastewater treatment facilities.
Charlotte Water operates 3 water treatment and 6 wastewater plants and approximately 80 lift or pumping stations through Charlotte and Mecklenburg County where coatings and/or concrete repairs work for this project may be located. Charlotte Water has identified and prioritized surfaces at the facilities requiring protective This program will address Charlotte Water assets that are continuously being identified and prioritized by Charlotte Water staff for coating work and/or concrete repair.
The selected firm(s) will be considered an extension of Charlotte Water’s Engineering and Operations Divisions requiring coordination with multiple Charlotte Water staff. Charlotte Water staff, project managers, operations managers, and maintenance managers are authorized to initiate an industrial coatings maintenance project Task Order and act as the Task Order Manager. The firm will be required to meet with the Task Order Manager on the project site to evaluate the work to be performed and evaluate all constraints related to coatings maintenance of the particular asset. Each Task Order will be reviewed and approved by the Firm, Task Order Manager, and the respective Project Manager prior to commencing any work. Once approved and start date identified, the Firm will be required to attend a pre-coating and site safety meeting with all project personnel working on that Task Order.
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