Department of General Services / General Services
Posting Number 03 2021-Q1(Jan-Mar)-DGS-4764
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-03-29
Commodity Code(s): 91200, 93639
Solicitation Link:
The Building Services Division of the General Services Department/Engineering and Project Management is responsible for maintaining a portfolio of approximately 180 buildings, including offices, fire stations, police division offices, and equipment shops, that house various City activities. The City also maintains cultural facilities, including museums and arenas that serve as venues for sports, entertainment, and other events. This service would provide routine preventive maintenance, repair services, and load bank testing (Services) for approximately 120 standby generators, ranging in size from 25 KW to 1500 KW, located at various City facilities (Project). Brand names include CAT, Generac, Kohler, Cummins, and MTU. These generators provide emergency electric service to vital facilities when commercial electric service is not available. The importance of the readiness of these standby generators is imperative to protect the health and wellbeing of residents of the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. The City is seeking firms whose combination of experience and expertise will provide professional, timely, and cost-effective services to the City.
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