Aviation / Technology Goods & Services
Posting Number 04 2022-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-8215
Anticipated Posting Date 2022-04-08
Commodity Code(s): 72654, 91316, 91365
Solicitation Link: https://charlottenc.gov/DoingBusiness/Pages/SolicitationDetails.aspx?ID=1924
The Charlotte Douglas International Airport, a City of Charlotte department, is seeking a company that will be responsible for the following services, further detailed within this Scope of Work:
1) Provide maintenance and monitoring services for the Airport’s Distributed Antenna System (DAS) and associated systems. This includes all existing DAS equipment currently installed and commissioned, as well as approved system expansions currently in the process of being installed at the time this contract takes place. The Company will also be responsible for providing maintenance and monitoring of all future system modifications.
2) Provide design and installation services required for modifications to the DAS either for expansion to future Airport premises or upgrades required to support carrier enhancements for services and emerging technologies.
3) Provide Project Management Services required for the support of the system and telecommunications-related services at the Airport.
4) Provide Quality Assurance and Quality Control measures to ensure installations meet the highest standards and quality.
5) Provide ongoing consultation services to the Airport regarding continual system enhancement including, but not limited to any future technologies related to the DAS and telecommunications generally.
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