Aviation / General Services
Posting Number 02 2024-Q1(Jan-Mar)-AVI-13885
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-02-09
Commodity Code(s): 90933, 91835, 91883
Solicitation Link: https://www.charlottenc.gov/Growth-and-Development/Doing-Business/Contract-Opportunities/DBE-ACDBE-Compliance-Services
The scope shall include two parts:
A. The Company shall develop CLT’s Triennial Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) overall goal based on analysis of available opportunities and qualified DBE firms available for participation. Goal development includes, but is not limited, to obtaining comparative data from other similar projects and interaction with Regional Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Civil Rights Officers, as well as organizing and conducting a stakeholder/public participation meeting.
B. The Company shall develop CLT’s Triennial Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) overall goal based on analysis of available opportunities and qualified ACDBE firms available for participation. Goal development includes, but is not limited to, obtaining comparative data from other similar projects, and interaction with Regional Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Civil Rights Officers, as well as organizing and conducting a stakeholder/public participation meeting.
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