Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
The Craighead/Tryon Storm Drainage Improvement Project is bordered by Glory Street to the north, Little Sugar Creek to the south, Sugar Creek Road to the east and Craighead Road to the west. The existing drainage system consists of pipe system under city-maintained road, state-maintained road, and private property. The improvements include pipe system upgrades.
Posting Number 09 2024-Q3(Jul-Sep)-CSWS-11515
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-09-04
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91200, 91244, 91345, 92912, 92915
The Craighead/Tryon Storm Drainage Improvement Project is bordered by Glory Street to the north, Little Sugar Creek to the south, Sugar Creek Road to the east and Craighead Road to the west. The existing drainage system consists of pipe system under city-maintained road, state-maintained road, and private property. The improvements include pipe system upgrades.
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