Aviation / Architectural / Engineering Services
Posting Number 01 2022-Q1(Jan-Mar)-AVI-7506
Anticipated Posting Date 2022-01-10
Commodity Code(s): 90600
Solicitation Link: https://charlottenc.gov/DoingBusiness/Pages/SolicitationDetails.aspx?ID=1866
The project consists of renovations of the public areas of Concourse E, including concourse circulation areas, hold rooms, and toilet rooms.
Items specifically included in the public area renovations are as follows:
• New carpet in the hold rooms, New terrazzo in circulation corridors and toilet rooms
• Complete renovation of all existing toilet rooms
• New general lighting and accent lighting
• Fire protection in selected areas
• Electrical modifications, including powered seating
• New signage and wayfinding to align with current CLT standards
• Replacement of Air Handling Units
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