City Wide / Commodities & Goods
Posting Number 02 2024-Q1(Jan-Mar)-CTW-13248
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-02-21
Commodity Code(s): 80500
Solicitation Link:
The City of Charlotte extends an invitation for the submission of Bids to supply the City of Charlotte with commercial fitness equipment. The City has multiple locations with equipment for city employees to use on a regular basis, including but not limited to, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department and Charlotte Fire Department facilities.
The scope of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to establish a contract for the purchase, delivery, and other inherently related activities of the Products and Services in compliance with the specifications and terms and conditions outlined in this ITB.
All Products and parts furnished shall be new and shall comply with the specifications and terms and conditions outlined in this ITB.
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