Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
Posting Number 05 2023-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CSWS-9974
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-05-30
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91200, 91244, 91319, 91345, 91455, 92912, 92915, 96239, 96884, 98814
Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project Series Z will be comprised of two separate projects, 1818 Baxter Street and 7316 Thorncliff Drive. 1818 Baxter Street’s main component will include 46 linear feet of 9’x6’ precast reinforced concrete box culvert with sills. 7316 Thorncliff Drive’s main component is 213 linear feet of 6’x7’ precast reinforced concrete box culvert with sills. 7316 Thorncliff Drive will also include storm drainage improvements in the road way with approximately 300 linear feet of 18” to 30” reinforced concrete pipe, and several utility relocations.
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