Aviation / General Services
CLT – Painting Services for Passenger Boarding Bridges (PBBs)
Posting Number 2024-Q1(Jan-Mar)-AVI-10352
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-01-30
Commodity Code(s): 91054, 92967
Solicitation Link: https://www.charlottenc.gov/Growth-and-Development/Doing-Business/Contract-Opportunities/PBB-Painting
CLT is seeking qualified Provider(s) to perform painting of passenger boarding bridges (PBBs). Provider(s) is responsible for furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and use of equipment necessary for the surface preparation and painting of the entire interior and exterior surface of the PBBs The Provider(s) may provide partial painting and/or complete surface painting for the PBBs during the contract term.
This contract is anticipated to have an initial three (3) year term with two (2) – one (1) year renewals.
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