Aviation / Construction
This project is located in a parking lot behind the CLT Center located at 5601 Wilkinson Boulevard in Charlotte, NC. The purpose of the project is to install new pipe to contain and drain runoff from the building to an existing storm drainage system at the rear of the parking lot. The work involves installation of reinforced concrete pipe, storm drainage structures, asphalt surface, and re-striping the parking lot within the construction corridor.
Posting Number 10 2024-Q4(Oct-Dec)-AVI-10761
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-10-31
Commodity Code(s): 91345, 91381, 96873
This project is located in a parking lot behind the CLT Center located at 5601 Wilkinson Boulevard in Charlotte, NC. The purpose of the project is to install new pipe to contain and drain runoff from the building to an existing storm drainage system at the rear of the parking lot. The work involves installation of reinforced concrete pipe, storm drainage structures, asphalt surface, and re-striping the parking lot within the construction corridor.
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