Charlotte Water / Construction
Posting Number 11 2021-Q4(Oct-Dec)-CW-6890
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-11-01
Commodity Code(s): 91200, 91345, 91359, 91360, 91389, 92670
Solicitation Link:
Charlotte Water (CLTWater) treats raw water drawn from the Catawba River Basin and distributes treated drinking water to customers within Mecklenburg County and surrounding regions. Wastewater generated from consumptive use in eastern Mecklenburg County is discharged into the Rocky River Basin via two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). CLTWater intends to offset some wastewater flows that are currently tributary to the Rocky River basin due to transfer constraints and limited treatment capacities.
This Progressive Design-Build (PDB) project will likely involve the construction of at least one pumping station and force main to transfer flows from east Mecklenburg county to a wastewater treatment plant within the Catawba River Basin. Gravity sewer improvements may be necessary on the receiving sewer. The PDB firm will be required to analyze options for pumping to minimize or eliminate receiving sewer improvements. The Firm will need to consider options for storage at the pumping station or elsewhere in the system to achieve this goal.
The total anticipated CIP budget for this project is approximately $45M, assuming forcemain and gravity sewer improvements will be sized without EQ storage. The budget will vary depending on storage needs. A phased approach for the mentioned improvements, considering future connections to transfer additional flows, will be necessary to align with CIP funding schedules. CLTWater intends to have the initial project phase completed and activated to offset partial flows within two years of the notice to proceed for the planning and design work.
The PDB Team will need to have all the necessary resources to complete the planning, design, permitting, easement acquisition, and construction of this project.
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