City Wide / Commodities & Goods
Posting Number 03 2021-Q1(Jan-Mar)-CTW-2480
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-03-24
Commodity Code(s): 20070, 20074, 20085, 20086, 20087, 20088, 20125, 20165, 34000, 68012, 80000, 80005, 80040, 80056, 80072, 80086, 93618, 96278
Solicitation Link:
This is a City-wide solicitation to purchase uniforms, related equipment, and services including, but not limited to dress uniforms, long and short sleeve shirts, pants, hats, ties, leather belts, outerwear and shoes. This also includes fitting, tailoring, measuring service, account management and other related services for a period of three years with the option to extend the contract for two additional one-year terms.
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