City Wide / Architectural / Engineering Services
Posting Number 09 2020-Q3(Jul-Sep)-CTW-2407
Anticipated Posting Date 2020-09-23
Commodity Code(s): 91812, 96153, 96160
Solicitation Link:
Multiple City Departments require citizen, employee, or business surveys throughout the year. These surveys gauge opinion on numerous topics regarding City services and performance. Surveys may be conducted via online, email or paper surveys.
Survey Services shall be at the sole request of the City, and shall not be performed until Service Provider receives such request by the City. The Services are not guaranteed to be utilized by any Department.
Survey Services shall included but are not limited to:
Conduct or facilitate meetings with the City Project Manager and City staff to assess specific questions or topics concerning the survey process, establishment of questions, objectives, and survey timelines;
Recommend survey questions, objectives, design, and methodology, subject to Department Project Manager approval;
Develop a sample survey for review by the City Project Manager;
Review survey questions with the Department to ensure a reduction in duplication efforts in content and timing;
Identify and select a random sample of all recipients to be surveyed. The sampling shall include various demographics, correlating to the diversity of the survey’s target population;
Guarantee that results will provide the City with, at minimum, a ninety-five percent (95%) confidence level;
Provide City Project Manager with an electronic copy of the data in a format acceptable to the City; and
Conduct a formal presentation of survey results to the Department City Project Manager and City staff upon completion of Services.
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