Charlotte Area Transit System / Commodities & Goods
Posting Number 05 2021-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CATS-3949
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-05-28
Commodity Code(s): 07100, 07180, 07192, 55600, 998, 99894
Solicitation Link:
Charlotte Area Transit will be conducting a solicitation for the purchase of Vanpool vehicles. Nineteen of the vehicles will be 7 passengers carpool vans. Ten vehicles will be 10 passenger vans. Twenty-five vehicles will be 15 passenger one ton carpool vans and eighteen vehicles will be SUVs. Specifications will be provided in the solicitation.
19 – 7 passenger vans
10 – 10 passenger vans
25 – 15 passenger vans
18 – SUVs
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