Charlotte Area Transit System / Technology Goods & Services
Posting Number 09 2022-Q3(Jul-Sep)-CATS-8495
Anticipated Posting Date 2022-09-14
Commodity Code(s): 20810, 94600, 95839
Solicitation Link:
Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is seeking a Finance & Procurement system for CATS Bus Operations Facility. Accounting software will be Cloud Based to Include AP, AR, G/L, Report Writer as well as fixed assets.
It must Support City of Charlotte (COC) General Ledger account strings.
Possibility to integrate with COC System
Requires workflow approval Multiple modules to include Requisitions, Request for Checks and Purchase Order Change Orders.
Accounts payable invoice matching to Purchase Orders with ability to attach electronic copies to the Purchase Orders as well as unique invoice confirmation.
OCR Capability
Support multiple ledger types.
Vendor central module.
Interface with outside vendors such for payroll and maintenance.
Data must export to CSV, Excel and other formats.
Report Writer
Multi User with user access managed at user level or user group.
PSR 1274
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