Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
BOD Lift Repair and Maintenance
Posting Number 06 2021-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CATS-5164
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-06-09
Commodity Code(s): 55600, 55700, 92800, 92944, hydra
Solicitation Link:
City of Charlotte’s Charlotte Area Transit System is requesting contractual services for our In-Ground Vehicle Lift PM and Repair Services.
CATS operates approximately 20 in-ground vehicle lifts in its two facilities. Majority of the lifts are 2 post vertical rise. CATS also has 2 triple post vertical rise lifts and 3 parallelogram lifts. The facilities are located at 3145 South Tryon and 900 North Davidson St, Charlotte NC.
PSR 947
PSR 937
Addendum will be issued to extend solicitation to 8/11/2021
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