Charlotte Water / Technology Goods & Services
This project will upgrade the existing meter reading system to a self-reporting network and replace end of life residential meters. Existing communication endpoints not compatible with the network selected will be replaced. Most residential meters will be replaced; those meters not replaced will require a replacement register compatible with the new endpoints. Commercial meters will receive replacement registers or be replace, depending on compatibility with the selected network solution. The communication network, hourly interval data and customer access portal will improve customer experience, increase billing efficiency and accuracy, reduce system losses and operational expenses, and improve system monitoring and planning.
Posting Number 04 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CW-17257
Anticipated Posting Date 2025-04-05
Commodity Code(s): 28500, 28501, 89044, 89045
This project will upgrade the existing meter reading system to a self-reporting network and replace end of life residential meters. Existing communication endpoints not compatible with the network selected will be replaced. Most residential meters will be replaced; those meters not replaced will require a replacement register compatible with the new endpoints. Commercial meters will receive replacement registers or be replace, depending on compatibility with the selected network solution. The communication network, hourly interval data and customer access portal will improve customer experience, increase billing efficiency and accuracy, reduce system losses and operational expenses, and improve system monitoring and planning.
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