Aviation / General Services
Posting Number 10 2021-Q4(Oct-Dec)-AVI-6784
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-10-25
Commodity Code(s): 94092, 96850, 98836, 98852, 98859, 98872
Solicitation Link: https://bidders.e-builder.net/landing?bidpackageid=61bc0e71-fb1c-47d9-b8ea-0ddbc7674f73
The Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) seeks to award a contract for Landscaping Maintenance Services of common areas at Amazon Property. All work must meet accepted standards as set forth in industry documents and this scope of services. The Contractor must be able to perform the majority of work each weekday (Monday –Friday) with litter control occurring each day of the week.
Litter and Turf Maintenance, Turf Mowing, Fire Ant Control , Grassed Slopes, Leaf Removal, Pruning – Tree Canopy Elevation, Weed Control and Chemical Use General Guidelines, Application of Herbicides and Pesticides, Tree Rings Weeds, Hard surfaces Zone 3, Mulch Top Dressing, Unit Work: Mulching, Tree and Shrub Fertilization, Tree Planting (damaged trees only),
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