Aviation / General Services
Posting Number 10 2021-Q4(Oct-Dec)-AVI-6762
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-10-19
Commodity Code(s): 91618, 98836, 98852, 98859
Solicitation Link: https://bidders.e-builder.net/landing?bidpackageid=61bc0e71-fb1c-47d9-b8ea-0ddbc7674f73
Work to include amending, planting, mulching, chemical application, watering, and all other operations as described herein to create an aesthetic extension to the existing landscape. Only areas circled on plan maps are in the current scope. To scale AutoCAD plans are available upon request. Work areas are at the intersection of Josh Birmingham and Wilkinson Blvd. and extend
up to the intersection of Scott Futrell. The contractor is responsible for all utility locates. Watering services shall be a part of the scope and performed as often as needed for one year after final acceptance to ensure all material remains in a healthy and viable growing condition. If during that time material becomes unacceptably dry or otherwise in poor condition due to watering or lack thereof the monthly payments shall not be made. Alternate: This work is to remove and replace all magnolias and all gingkos on the west side of
the road in between Scott Futrell and Wilkinson Blvd. with new material of the same species in a 3” caliper. Watering services are part of this alternate.
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