Charlotte Water / Technology Goods & Services
Posting Number 06 2024-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CW-14231
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-06-10
Commodity Code(s): 21045, 22006, 28501, 89040, 89044, 89045, 89046
Solicitation Link:
Charlotte Water, a Department of the City of Charlotte NC, will be advertising a Request for Proposals (RFP) to acquire an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system and related products, software, and services (collectively, the “System”), for all of its approximately 325,000 water meters. Charlotte Water is issuing a separate RFP for the labor to install the AMI system. Charlotte Water intends for the successful vendor of this solicitation to be the prime contractor for the entire project to install an AMI system, utilizing the successful proposer of the AMI Installation RFP as a sub-contractor under one agreement with Charlotte Water. This will allow Charlotte Water to evaluate AMI Vendors separate from Installation Companies and make selections of the Vendor and the Installer independently.
The basic components of the System sought by Charlotte Water include the following:
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