Aviation / General Services
Posting Number 10 2021-Q4(Oct-Dec)-AVI-6138
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-10-25
Commodity Code(s): 91082, 91438
Solicitation Link: https://authoring.charlottenc.gov/DoingBusiness/Pages/SolicitationDetails.aspx?ID=1819
This solicitation will be to provide a connection point for a portable generator hookup at our Fleet Maintenance Facility. The desired emergency loads will have to be divided out into an emergency panel and the emergency panel will be supplied by a manual transfer switch. The Airport would like the generator to provide standby power for the fire pump, front office computer loads, shop air compressor, trapeze power throughout the shop, all lighting, tire rack balancer and mounter, oil lube pumps, etc. The term for this contract is four months.
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