Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
Posting Number 01 2022-Q1(Jan-Mar)-CSWS-3439
Anticipated Posting Date 2022-01-11
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91200, 91244, 91339, 91345, 91347, 91396, 91455, 92912, 92914, 92915, 96239, 96861, 96861, 96884, 98814
Solicitation Link:
The 9th and College Storm Drainage Improvement Project is located in Uptown Charlotte within the 9th Street Right-of- Way between North College Street and the CATS Blue Line Extension light rail. The project will upgrade and replace storm drainage, sanitary sewer, and water main infrastructure within this block of 9th Street. The project will also include sidewalk, hardscape, pavement, and pavement markings replacement.
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