charlotte-area-transit-system-bluet  Charlotte Area Transit System / Construction

3145 S. Tryon st. Chiller Replacement Project


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Posting Number 06 2021-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CATS-5021

Anticipated Posting Date 2021-06-15

Commodity Code(s): 03113, 03114, 03115, 03124

Solicitation Link:

Replace existing 160 Ton Air-cooled chiller with two smaller chiller units. One fore the Admin building and the other to support BOD Maintenance and body shops. This project is in response to failed chilled water piping the currently feeds the admin building. We currently have a rental chiller that is supplying the Admin building.




Last Updated: 06/21/21
Insurance Requirements+
Bonding Requirements+
Estimated Total Value+
Contract Term+

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For Questions, Contact:

Gregory Tate

Procurement Officer