This project is located on Sardis Oaks Road between Sardis Road North and Rock Point Road. The existing drainage system consists of pipe under city-maintained roads. The improvements include pipe system upgrades.
This project is located on Sardis Oaks Road between Sardis Road North and Rock Point Road. The existing drainage system consists of pipe under city-maintained roads. The improvements include pipe system upgrades.
This project is located on South Cedar Street between Stadium View Drive and Westmere Avenue. The existing drainage system consists of a culvert under a city-maintained road. The improvements include culvert and pipe system upgrades.
The Delane Ave 1220 storm drainage improvement project will make drainage improvements along Delane Ave from Wright Ave to approximately 80 ft past Castleton Rd. Drainage and water line improvements will be made along Castleton Rd from Delane Ave to Lomax Ave. Improvements will consist of new drainage structure, new pipe alignments, curb and gutter along Delane Ave, and the extension of a 6” water line down Castleton Rd.
Work performed under this contract will consist of storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, channels, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, and landscaping and any associated work required by the Engineer. Other work may include structural foundation protection, storm water pipe lining, storm water pipe joint and structure repair, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments). Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within or a combination of the street right-of-way, private, residential, and commercial properties.
The Craighead/Tryon Storm Drainage Improvement Project is bordered by Glory Street to the north, Little Sugar Creek to the south, Sugar Creek Road to the east and Craighead Road to the west. The existing drainage system consists of pipe system under city-maintained road, state-maintained road, and private property. The improvements include pipe system upgrades.
This project is located on Gaynelle Drive between Langley Circle and Running Wood Lane. The existing drainage system consists of open channel and a culvert under a city-maintained road. The culvert system is experiencing blockages and is prone to flooding. This project consists of replacing 60 LF of existing 72” X 85” CMP with 60 LF of a 11’X5’ RCBC.
Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) Series T contains five separate storm water infrastructure repair and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork,
drainage structures (standard and non-standard), storm drainpipe systems, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments), foundation protection and any other associated work required by the Engineer. Storm Water maintenance work may be located entirely within or a combination of the street right-of-way, private, residential and commercial properties.
The City anticipates selecting one (1) or more firms to provide these services on a task order basis for several pond and dam rehabilitation/ stormwater control measure (SCM) projects. This will include initial feasibility studies, planning and design fir projects that are not specified at this time. Additional tasks will include evaluation and repair design of existing municipal SCM projects. These projects are anticipated to start scoping upon contract award.
The following is a general description of the Scopes of Service included in this RFQ. The selected firms will use HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, SWMM, and/or a hydraulic grade line closed system computer model, or an approved alternative method. All methods will be in accordance with the
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. The City’s then current AutoCAD standards will be used for production of all plans and profiles.
Work will be issued via written Task Orders, which will specify the requirements of the various projects. Multiple Task Orders may be issued for each project. Multiple task orders may be issued at once. The City of Charlotte reserves the right, upon successful completion of a given Task Order, to issue subsequent Task Orders to the same or a different Company.
The services will assist Charlotte Storm Water Services (CSWS) in monitoring stream, wetland, or SCM projects; the majority of which will be projects developed for compensatory mitigation. The tasks listed have been identified as anticipated tasks for the Contract, but do not necessarily comprise all of the tasks to be performed under this Contract.
Each service request to be performed by the Consultant (and/or their designated sub-consultants) under this Contract will be initiated with a work authorization letter or email that describes the specific scope of the project and details a project-specific budget broken down by tasks (as defined below) and by personnel. The work authorization will also reference the terms and conditions of this Contract and requires the City Project Manager’s signature prior to the start of work.