Work performed under this grouting and lining (GL) contract will consist of stormwater infrastructure maintenance, repair, and improvement projects within the city limits of Charlotte, NC. Work may be located entirely within or a combination of public right-of-way and private, residential, and commercial properties. Work includes but is not limited to the following: Grouting and lining of existing storm drainage pipe, structures or soil stabilization cleaning; maintenance/repair and installation of storm drainage pipe systems, storm drain manholes, inlets, and end treatments; channel grading, blockage/sediment removal and outfall/bank stabilization; water, and sewer relocations, installations, and adjustments, structural foundation protection and construction of sidewalks, curb and gutter, and asphalt and concrete paving associated with the specific Project Work Order (PWO).
All work will be issued in writing to the contractor via a Project Work Order. PWO’s issued through this contract may vary in size, effort, location, and monetary value. Projects could vary from $2,000 to $60,000 with project durations from 2 to 60 calendar days. These ranges are provided as a guide and are not intended to be construed as the minimum and maximum cost or duration. The Contractor will be required to furnish and maintain a minimum of 1 full-time crew to work continuously on this contract for the entire contract duration. Each crew that works must be capable of prosecuting the work listed in the Project Work Orders in accordance with section 108-1. The Contractor shall keep the city informed of their proposed work plan(s) and submit written reports of work accomplished on a frequency to be determined by the city.
The Contractor may be required to submit a written construction schedule to the city for their review and approval. Submitted Project Construction Schedules (PCS) shall be in accordance with City Standard Provision Periodic Payments. Written reports and supporting construction documentation (survey notes, certifications, tickets, tags, etc.) shall accompany all pay requests. All work shall be subject to inspection by the City and/or their representative at any time.
524 Wilby Drive: The culvert will be constructed with a headwall and endwall, with the junction box In between. The 24” plastic pipe will be replaced with 24” RCP.
6633 Brookfield Place: 30” RCP from JB 9 to DCB 8 to be replaced with a 36” RCP , and curb to be added along Alexander Road and standard catch basins to be constructed along the curb.
Work performed under this contract will consist of nine (9) stormwater improvement projects throughout Charlotte, NC as illustrated in the plans of the contract documents. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, channels, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, landscaping and any associated work required by the respective project plan.
The Magnolia/Winthrop Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) consists of storm water infrastructure improvements along Ideal Way, Winthrop Avenue and Springdale Avenue. Work will involve mobilization, earthwork, drainage structures, storm drain pipe systems, working over, under, near, and around existing private utilities, asphalt paving, concrete flatwork, water and sewer (relocations, installations and adjustments), traffic control and any other associated work required by the Engineer.
Project consist of joint repairs and the lining of 563 LF of 66 CMP with CIPP. Three non-standard and three standard structures will be removed/replaced as well as two headwalls. 57 LF of 24 inch RCP will be removed and replaced. A rip rap apron will be revised/installed. 70 LF of an 8″ water main will also be relocated.
Project consists of lining 556 LF of 42 inch CMP and 131 LF of 15 inch RCP with CIPP. Eight existing drainage structures will be removed and replaced and two additional structures will be added. 221 LF of 15″ RCP will be removed and replaced. Chemical grouting joint repair will also be installed at approx. 15 locations throughout the 42″ CMP.
The project involves analysis of existing conditions to determine areas suitable for improvement, planning analysis of improvement alternatives, and the design and construction of the needed improvements in the Queens Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) area.
The Queens Storm Drainage Improvement Project is bordered by East 4th Street to the north, Baxter Street to the south, Caswell Road to the east and Baldwin Avenue to the west. This project area is within a drainage area of approximately 40 acres and the improvements will include pipe system upgrades and channel improvements.
The project involves analysis of existing conditions to determine areas suitable for improvement, planning analysis of improvement alternatives, and the design and construction of the needed improvements in the Eastway Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) area.
The Eastway Storm Drainage Improvement Project is bordered by Arnold Drive to the north, Central Avenue to the south, Temple Lane to the east and Eastway Drive to the west. This project area is within a drainage area of approximately 200 acres and the improvements may include pipe system upgrades and channel improvements.
Dredging of pond forebay, addition of stormwater pipe, and replacement of existing box culverts to address forebay erosion issues at the site.