CMPD Off-Duty Scheduling and Payment Software – RFP completed please archive charlotte-mecklenburg-police-department

Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department / Technology Goods & Services

CMPD Off-Duty Scheduling and Payment Software – RFP completed please archive

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (“CMPD”) will be seeking proposals from qualified service providers to provide Special Events and Secondary Employment scheduling software and payment system able to schedule and organize over 500,000 hours of jobs per year and process payment from vendor to employee.

Industrial Pretreatment Information Management Software Solution charlotte-water

Charlotte Water / Technology Goods & Services

Industrial Pretreatment Information Management Software Solution

Charlotte Water is using a Pretreatment application that was purchased approximately ten years ago. Over time, technology has progressed, and Pretreatment systems have become more robust. Further, Environmental Protection Agency guidelines are moving towards electronic submissions by industries monitored by the Pretreatment program. Last, mobile solutions, Geographic Information Systems, and data analytics are more widely …

Project Management Software & Support – CANCELLED aviation

Aviation / Technology Goods & Services

Project Management Software & Support – CANCELLED

Charlotte Douglas International Airport is seeking a Company to provide a cloud based creative work/project management solution designed to help the marketing department organize projects, assign resources, and make internal teams more efficient.

E-Builder Management Services charlotte-area-transit-system

Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services

E-Builder Management Services

Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is looking to execute a management services contract in order to enhance the use of e-Builder software for project management and controls of capital projects.  The consultant would work with the project controls and e-Builder administration staff to create a detailed scope of services and subsequently manage the scope of …

On Call Technology Services aviation

Aviation / Technology Goods & Services

On Call Technology Services

Contract(s) will be used to provide maintenance and support for systems purchased under these Contracts.   Contracts may include additional software licenses, services, and hardware.  These task order Contracts will provide Aviation the necessary flexibility to ensure the needs of the rapidly changing environment are met.  It is critical to ensure the Airport’s technology systems are …

CCPA Technology Products and Related Services city-wide

City Wide / Technology Goods & Services

CCPA Technology Products and Related Services

The City of Charlotte requires miscellaneous technology goods and services from a variety of providers to support ongoing operations. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is on behalf of the Charlotte Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (CCPA). The vendors will provide the following miscellaneous technology goods and services: Conference room equipment (smartboards and projectors) Miscellaneous technology items (plotters, …