Aviation / Construction
Early Grading Package (4th Parallel Runway Project)
Posting Number 01 2023-Q1(Jan-Mar)-AVI-8797
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-01-09
Commodity Code(s): 33010, 33065, 91223, 91244, 92935, 98136, 98815
Solicitation Link: https://charlottenc.gov/DoingBusiness/Pages/SolicitationDetails.aspx?ID=2090
As part of the 4th Parallel Runway project, the Airport will solicit bids for grading, drainage, fencing, and erosion and sediment control. Other scopes of work include:
- Excavation of in-site soil and rock from existing Airport property areas
- Stockpiling, placement, and compaction of excavated material in CLT-recommended locations
- Isolated, minor site surface drainage features along regraded areas and stockpile locations
- May include extension of existing Coffey Creek box culvert – currently under construction as part of the South Crossfield (SCF) project (TBD)
- May include extension of existing sanitary sewer line relocation – currently under construction as part of the SCF project (TBD)
- Identification of and relocation of existing security perimeter fence as needed.
Last Updated: 01/24/23
Insurance Requirements+
Bonding Requirements+
Estimated Total Value+
Contract Term+
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