Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
The Shade Valley Pond Repairs project was initiated in order to relieve the City of significant efforts and costs of ongoing pond maintenance. Proposed improvements to the pond are intended to address nuisance vegetation, increase storage capacity, address geese issues, and enhance the overall aesthetics of the pond. Goals are to restore pond to “below normal pool” volumes via dredging of forebay and main pool to increase water quality function and remove available nutrients contributing to duckweed and algal blooms. The entirety of the pond and littoral shelf will be replanted with wetland plantings and trees to enhance aesthetics and decrease attractiveness of pond to geese. Geese preventative measures are proposed to establish plantings.
Posting Number 02 2026-Q1(Jan-Mar)-CSWS-17359
Anticipated Posting Date 2026-02-15
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91200, 91244, 91345, 92912, 92915
The Shade Valley Pond Repairs project was initiated in order to relieve the City of significant efforts and costs of ongoing pond maintenance. Proposed improvements to the pond are intended to address nuisance vegetation, increase storage capacity, address geese issues, and enhance the overall aesthetics of the pond. Goals are to restore pond to “below normal pool” volumes via dredging of forebay and main pool to increase water quality function and remove available nutrients contributing to duckweed and algal blooms. The entirety of the pond and littoral shelf will be replanted with wetland plantings and trees to enhance aesthetics and decrease attractiveness of pond to geese. Geese preventative measures are proposed to establish plantings.
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