Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
The Morning Dale Storm Drainage Improvement Project will reduce street and structure flooding throughout the neighborhood. Located within a drainage area of approximately 560 acres, the project will replace and/or rehabilitate aging infrastructure and provide adequate drainage system capacity. This project area is bordered by Hinson Drive to the north, Stratfordshire Drive to the south, Tadlock Place to the east and Morning Dale Road to the west.
Posting Number 01 2026-Q1(Jan-Mar)-CSWS-17356
Anticipated Posting Date 2026-01-10
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91200, 91244, 91345, 92912, 92915
The Morning Dale Storm Drainage Improvement Project will reduce street and structure flooding throughout the neighborhood. Located within a drainage area of approximately 560 acres, the project will replace and/or rehabilitate aging infrastructure and provide adequate drainage system capacity. This project area is bordered by Hinson Drive to the north, Stratfordshire Drive to the south, Tadlock Place to the east and Morning Dale Road to the west.
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