engineering-property-management-bluet  Department of General Services / Construction

Idlewild Road/Rama Road/Monroe Road Intersection


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Add to Calendar 2025-07-01 2025-07-01 Idlewild Road/Rama Road/Monroe Road Intersection

This project will improve the Idlewild Road and Monroe Road intersection to enhance conditions for all users. Improvements will include pavement widening to accommodate dual left turn lanes at all intersection approaches, bike lanes or multi-use paths, pedestrian refuge islands, and new sidewalks.

Posting Number 07 2025-Q3(Jul-Sep)-DGS-17241

Anticipated Posting Date 2025-07-01

Commodity Code(s): 15538, 74505, 80148, 91200, 91219, 91223, 91319, 91345, 91347, 91396, 91430, 96185, 96239, 96279, 96861, 96882, 96884, 98814, 98815

This project will improve the Idlewild Road and Monroe Road intersection to enhance conditions for all users. Improvements will include pavement widening to accommodate dual left turn lanes at all intersection approaches, bike lanes or multi-use paths, pedestrian refuge islands, and new sidewalks.


Last Updated: 07/14/22

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For Questions, Contact:

Mackenzie Winebrenner

City Contact
