The objective of this RFP is to solicit Proposals that will enable the City to determine which Company(s) and Proposed Solution(s) will best meet the City’s needs for the delivery and setup of traffic control devices in work zones and special event locations as well as the provision of flaggers and other personnel to maintain work zones. The services generally consist of as-needed temporary traffic control services including the rental of arrow signs and portable changeable message signs (PSMS) for scheduled and emergency infrastructure maintenance and for other events requiring the diversion of traffic, lane closures, or notice to the public. This includes the placement and removal of traffic control devices by qualified personnel as well as the flagging of traffic. This will include all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to safely route traffic through CDOT work zones or special event areas.
Traffic Sign Installation Services
The City is seeking bids from qualified vendors to install traffic signs within the city limits. This request for proposals is to select a qualified vendor for the installation of street signs. It is the City’s objective to select multiple vendors based on the request for proposals for a three-year contract. The contract will have fixed pricing with possible annual price increases.
The installation of traffic signs will follow methods that are set in the 2018 NCDOT Standard Specification 900, 903, & 904.
While the City is flexible with respect to certain elements of the Traffic Sign Installation Services, the City has specific requirements and preferences for the Service delivery method.
Vision Zero On-Call Construction Services-Cancelled
Provide on-call construction services for Vision Zero projects including, but not limited to the following:
- Pedestrian improvements ranging from pedestrian refuges to full signal design,
- Safe Routes to School improvements,
- Sidewalk gap and bus stop improvements on thoroughfares.
Traffic Signal and Fiber Maintenance
The purpose of this RFP is to contract traffic signal and fiber maintenance for the next 3 years on the signalized intersections within the City of Charlotte. This RFP is for fiber, cabinet, ground-level and aerial maintenance. There may be one or more successful firms, and work will be divided among the firms at the City’s discretion.
LED Traffic Signal Display Replacement – CANCELLED
Purchase of replacement LED Traffic Signal Display