CLT Technology Public Wi-Fi

This Contract is to provide a Public WiFi solution addressing the full spectrum of CLT’s technology systems. The Work will include, without limitation, program/project management, organizational change management, and implementation services covering the complete lifecycle of technology systems from inception, starting with planning, through design, procurement, configuration, integration, install, test, operational-readiness-activation-training (ORAT), and operation & maintenance (O&M), and replacement. This Public Wifi effort will cover all areas where existing coverage is present and to include any newly constructed areas.

Residential and Public Spaces Wired and Wireless Internet Services

The City is seeking to extend and expand its wired and wireless high-speed broadband network to serve over 4,000 households where the digital divide impacts ability to fully participate in today’s economy, workforce pipeline, banking, and communications.

Locations include Multi-Family housing and public space sites currently served, additional Multi-Family housing sites, single-family housing sites, and additional public space sites. Could be awarded to more than one respondent.